NZPE is dedicated to assisting you with the next exciting step in your career and to strengthening your career prospects.
Our professional consultants are well placed to represent you to some of the best pharmacy employers around New Zealand and Australia and can offer far more than just a list of jobs.
We can provide you guidance on:
Salary advice and negotiation
Sourcing job opportunities for you
Whether you are interested in:
Locum or Permanent positions
Hospital, Community, Aged Care, Pharmaceutical or Industry Pharmacy roles
Locally, interstate or overseas positions
Pharmacy Partnerships
Our highly trained and experienced consultants can give you the information you need to make informed decisions on where your career is heading.
Our service is completely FREE to all Pharmacy professionals wishing to find work and by choosing to work with NZPE, you can be confident in our:
Ability to represent you effectively
Ability to provide you with up to date information regarding the current employment market
Reputation in the marketplace
Looked through our list of available Jobs and don't see the right one for you?
You have the opportunity to Register for future job vacancies and an NZPE consultant will contact you to discuss your needs and how best we can assist.
With Pharmacy employers utilising Psychometric tests in determining who to hire more and more, po...
One of the biggest challenges for pharmacy owners is staffing and getting it right. If you hav...
It could be bad news for students who have spent too many hours focusing solely on their academic...
Ever wondered whether LinkedIn was a growing force in recruitment and talent identification? Well...
Congratulations! You have secured a face to face interview with a potential new employer. So what...
Whilst having the appropriate pay rates for employees is a big help in retaining staff, employee ...